5 May 2011

My Sweet Family...

             God, the Head of our family. Taking care of us. Loving us. Protecting us. Providing all our needs. Guiding us minute by minute, hour by hour & day by day. And always with us. Wow!! He changes His responsibilities according to us. When we do sin, He punishes... like a father. When we repent, he is our comforter, showing His mercy & love which is like a mother's... Oops.. above mother's.  He is our strength, our joy, our peace, our happiness & our all.. He is above all.  Thank you Lord.
              Then, My Chweet Dad & Mom... A lovely couple.  We usually have lot more fun when they kid each other. My dad, really innocent.. Always in a hurry. finally, we became punctual. I can remember him, caring us when we feel sick. Only those times he calls us 'Makkalae'.  He beats us, when we are wrong.  It is because of  that we are grown good.  My mom, always praying for us.. I can feel my mom building our family, by God's grace. My mom cooks well.  My mom sacrifice her small small wishes for us.  I cant hide anything from my mom.  From my face reactions, no no.. looking at my eyes, she understands me.  My dad & mom cares us in their own way, which i misunderstood during my school days. Now, i know they're precious gifts from God's hand. Lord.. Thank you such a great dad & mom.. Love you mummy & daddy.
               My lovely Amamma...  She was taking care of me for years, right from birth.  She loves all her grand children, but i'm little special for her.  She tells everything to me.  Her prayers, her joy, her sorrows, her wishes, her desires.... Our small small gifts for her, gets special places at her home.  I can see, even today, a dried bouquet at her home, which i gifted her a very long back(more than a year).  She looks unto the Lord for everything.  She loves us in her own way.  I have to thank God for our amamma.  She is a blessing for us. God Bless you amamma..
                It's 11.30 PM. Gonna pray & sleep. Will continue.....